Friday, October 8, 2010


I was going to try to write a post about our afternoon, which included Jane getting stung by multiple hornets (one got caught in her pigtail and stung her several times under her hair), the upstairs toilet overflowing and flooding the bathroom* and Jane loosing her first tooth all within the same 60 minute period...

but I'm just not feeling it. Maybe I'm tired from screaming hysterically for my husband's help so many times.

Instead, here are a few photos that I took of Lizzy last week.

She had been wearing her ballet clothes when I told her that I'd invited a couple of her friends to come over. She suddenly became acutely aware of her inappropriate attire and ran upstairs to change into something more suitable.

She was so proud of herself for getting dressed without any assistance. She doesn't like to have to ask for help for anything, especially when she needs to get dressed or go potty. (see the above reference to the overflowing toilet)

Those are tights that, I believe, are made to fit your average 18 month old. And, for effect, she layered them with socks. It was deluxe.

Let the record state that I love Lizzy.

*A couple of months ago, we were preparing to go out with Leslie and Cameron when we received a phone call from them telling us that Ben had happened upon and nest of hornets and been stung several times over. As they were frantically trying to treat him, they failed to notice that their washing machine had disconnected from the wall and was flooding their laundry room. I'm not sure what it is about the hornet sting/flood in the house combo and members of my family, but it's a very effective way to shake up your afternoon. Give it a try sometime.


Barbara said...

Wow, I hope Jane is okay. Those stings can be wicked. And let me go on record saying that Lizzy is a delight, and I love her too. :)

Grammyzanne said...

Those stings are no fun. Lizzy certainly does have her own sense of style. Hopefully I will learn from Leslie's and your experience and not have to learn on my own. Had enough floods in my lifetime without the hornets.

Lynda/Mom said...

It's a good thing you blog--I thought I was caught up over the weekend until I clicked on this gem. I guess there is no connection between the wasps and Jane's fever and other malady. Take some cute photos of Lizzy one of these days, OK?