Cameron took this picture of Lizzy last week. It looks like Lizzy, only more like Lizzy as a 12 year old than Lizzy as a 2 year old.
It's kinda fitting since Lizzy always seems like she's about 20 years older than she actually is. The other day, she was in the car and started talking to herself. I just listened and interjected here and there so she knew I wasn't ignoring her, but she really didn't need any encouragement.
"mom! i can't find my receipt! i been looking all over for it and it isn't anywhere. i look under my bed and under my blankies and i check under dee couch and it isn't dere! what am i going to do? i need my receipt. oh! i know where it is. it is inside my kitty. did you know dat, mom? my kitty ATE my receipt! but moooOOOooom! kitties don't eat receipts. kitties have kitty food dat tastes very good to dem. dey like to eat kitty food, not receipts!...."
I could post about 50 similar quotes, each of them equally amusing to me. Nothing escapes her notice and once she's noticed something, she never forgets. She's definitely unlike anyone I've ever met and she is definitely wicked smart, in an unsettling sort of way.
Boy do I love her.