Meet Jane.
Jane used to be 6, but not anymore. Now, Jane is 7.
Jane had a party for her birthday and it was filled with rainbows.
There were rainbow balloons and rainbow Twister in the grass.
There were rainbow drinks and rainbow jello.
And a cake.
A rainbow cake.
This made Jane very happy.
And it made her mom very tired.
Unfortunately, Jane had her party a few days before her birthday, and when her real birthday arrived, her mom was too tired to do much, so Jane got to invite one friend over for lunch.
Meet Henry.
Henry is a very good friend to have come to spend Jane's birthday with her.
This also made Jane happy.
Which is good, because on Jane's actual birthday, Jane's mom kinda just sat around like a bum and reminded Jane of the aforementioned rainbow party that had taken place on the previous Friday.
Happy Birthday, Jane. We sure do love you.