Thursday, January 27, 2011

Today, I have baked redemption

If at first you don't succeed, stomp your feet and feel like a failure, then pick yourself up and bake more cookies.

I would like the world to know that I am not a failure and I've got the GF cookies to prove it.


Danielle said...

What is your secret?

MaryAnn said...

I don't envy you the task of figuring out cooking without the use of flour but it looks like you are doing a good job.

Emily Call said...

yay! They look great!

Shae, Jay, and chillin' said...

Nice, very nice. Way to learn from your failure and move on.

Grammyzanne said...

I absolutely LOVE your opening sentence. Looks like you did figure out the problem. Those look like enjoyable eating.

Allison and Nathan said...

Just curious - how come in both cookie posts, why only 4 cookies on the pan? Hmmm . . .