Sunday, December 19, 2010

Adventures in parenthood

Charlie... might be the death of me.

Seriously, if he doesn't kill me, I'm not entirely sure what will. The upside of that is that if he doesn't kill me, I will believe myself to be invincible, which could come in handy from time to time.

Not a single one of you who has boys every accurately communicated the amount of energy and patience that's required to manage a two year old boy and I hold you all personally responsible for my current state of emotional instability.

To anyone who might, at some point in their life, find themselves responsible for managing a two year old boy, I would like to take this opportunity to inform you that he might be the death of you. There, I warned you. Don't blame me.

Case in point... The other day, Charlie was quietly upstairs playing with his sister while I visited with a friend downstairs. I should have know. I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN! Never, I repeat, never let your two year old boy play quietly upstairs. Two year old boys don't play quietly. They play very loudly and get into mischief quietly. This is a fact of life.

He finally came downstairs covered in his sister's special order, not cheap eczema cream.
It was deluxe.

First, I gasped, then I may have cried a teeny bit, then I just started laughing and grabbed my camera. I figured it was the healthiest way to deal with the whole situation.

And considering the amount of shame he displayed, I imagine he probably didn't need me to get mad at him. Look at him, he knows what he's done.

Let us pray that he's learned his lesson because he generally uses up all the patience I've got for him and the girls before we get to the end of Monday. This week, I've cleaned up wet dog food out of the heating vent, taken him to the ER when he fell out of shopping cart at Costco, prevented him from running out of Wal-mart into traffic (again) as well as all the little things like cleaning up mud off my wool rug, waking up at 5:30 every morning and dealing with endless temper tantrums.

Lucky for him, he's got his looks to fall back on.


Lilit said...

this is pretty sad, but FUNNY! You make everything funny, Laura! I have a 2 year old and I can relate to the fact that when they get quiet it is TROUBLE!
indeed, good thing he is cute! :D

Lynda/Mom said...

I'm not sure how cute he is with all the goop in his hair. Quiet girls are also trouble--anytime things get quiet with young children, trouble is likely brewing. Am waiting to hear from you.

Robinson Family said...

It probably won't help to let you know it gets worse at three...and four. But, those little boys are so cute and funny!

Sandy Brunson said...

After last night I'm already thinking my 8 week old boy will be the death of me. Boy am I in for it!

Leslie said...

I would have thought my kids gave you fair warning. I question having a third child because it might be another boy and I'm not sure I'm mentally and emotionally prepared for three boys.

Shae, Jay, and chillin' said...

The guilt is definately written all over his cute little face. I haven't had a kid fall out of a shopping cart yet, but I think Aubrey gets real close every time we put her in. And I echo your mom's words...Aubrey and quiet definately are not good. She might be the death of me, actually more likely her dad as he has less tolerance for her attitude.

Kriss said...

I'm sorry I didn't warn you about boys. But in my defense, my boys have been way easy. I think the girly mood swings might be the death of me!

Cameron said...

I'm going to start calling him "THE Chaz" he's obviously getting a little metro in his 2 yr. old self awareness and just wanted to style his hair mom.

Grammyzanne said...

Oh it was my girls that were my undoing. I NEVER trusted quiet after Jenny covered herself head to toe in a pound of Vaseline. A camera is definitely the best way to cope with the results of quiet - and you get to preserve it for all time. Can't you just see it at his wedding reception?!