Sunday, December 6, 2009

Saturday is a special day

This Saturday, we went to Sam's Club. I love Sam's Club.

Why doesn't the rest of Utah like Sam's Club? Going to Costco on a Saturday in December does NOT induce a holiday spirit, but Sam's? Sam's is like a ghost town. I mean, you can still get your cheap pizza and hot dogs (ok, they're kinda greasy and usually a little cold) you still get all your samples (ok, you get them from people who may or may not still posses all their teeth) and you're still surrounded by tons of merchandise that you feel like you can't live without (that, admittedly sometimes isn't as well made as the counterparts you'll find at the competition.) Ok, so one could argue that Sam's is what would happen if Walmart got their hands on Costco. Which is exactly what it is. Go figure.

So this Saturday, we went to Sam's and I think we all enjoyed ourselves.

Jane ate sour kraut straight from the package.

Lizzy looked like she just rolled out of bed.

Charlie got his hands of the enormous orange soda and wouldn't let go.

He held it the entire time we were there and if someone tried to take it from him, he did this:

This is an actual photo of what happened when we took the drink from him. He's a wee bit dramatic and I'm a wee bit irresponsible for allowing my one year old to have his own 44 oz. orange soda. I just really needed a little quiet time while I spent money that we may or may not actually have.

And Brent just tried to pretend like none of it was happening.

Ya, it was pretty much business as usual.


Lynda/Mom said...

That was cute, although I think you're a little bit hard on Sam's Club. Their merchandise is just fine, but the one near you may have help that is a little "different." The Sam's in Vegas is about as well attended as Costco, so it may have something to do with the clientele. Cute pics.

Laura Stringham said...

i am a little hard on Sam's and i think mine could be a little lower quality than others. largely the merchandise i'm referring to is a gingerbread house that totally fell apart on us. costco houses haven't ever done that. boo.

Laura Stringham said...

p.s. but as i mentioned, i do love me some Sam's. i can also get ginormous bags of garden salsa sun chips there. yum.

Danielle said...

If you would like to go Costco on a Saturday, go to the West Valley location. It is always slow, and sometimes the prices are a little lower than at the other ones (well, the one downtown anyway). I will admit that sometimes I just went to walk around and look at all the neat things that I could not buy.

Jana Sohm said...

I have never been to Sam's. I want to go w/ you sometime.