Sunday, May 1, 2011

Several photos that weird me out.

I took this photo yesterday before dance photos. This is a photo of my 6 year old. She's six. Not to be confused with 10 or 12 or any age other than 6. Is this a glimpse of things to come?

Yes, I realize that I have created this. It isn't as though she's capable of accurately applying liquid eyeliner to herself. In my weak, shameful defense, I was trying to bribe her younger sister into cleaning her room and getting her pictures taken by offering to do a full makeup on her when Jane jumped on the offer and cleaned her room up lickety split. Lizzy never did. She didn't even get her pictures done. I guess that is just one of the many differences between my two girls. When makeup is calling, Jane answers.

Actually, Lizzy answers too, but she's more interested in applying it herself...

Nice lipstick, Biz.

We took a lot of pictures. In part because Jane is never opposed to having her likeness taken, but mostly because every time I looked at her, I had to make sure that I got a picture of her all dolled up.

She's growing up WAY too fast.

And I'm totally weirded out.


Sandy Brunson said...

I'm a little weirded out too and she's not even my daughter. But she does look very pre-teen in the photos...

And she is beautiful.

Lynda/Mom said...

Too, too much. I can hardly stand to look at them.

Shae, Jay, and chillin' said...

I agree a bit with your mom. Sorry, but I have to say it. When my kids were looking at the photos they didn't believe me when I told them she was 6. I had to explain about why she looked older.

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid of liquid eyeliner and I'm an adult...