We've been enjoying her bizarre comments. Seriously, I have no clue where she comes up with some of the things she says, like the other day...
"Are you know my friend Kettoran?" (we've been having problems with 'are' and 'do', but at least she's saying 'she' instead using 'her' all the time)
"Jane, how do you know Kettoran?"
"Oh, from McCrackin's house"
...hysterical laughter ensues
"Jane, how do you know Kettoran?"
"Oh, from McCrackin's house"
...hysterical laughter ensues
Making up names is one of her favorite things to do. That and making up songs for every occasion that are most frequently sung in a lovely falsetto voice.
I'm pretty uncomfortable with Lizzy's mobility at the moment. She's not quite 8 months at this point and she has been crawling for a little while now. She's cruising on the furniture and crawling up into things... like the table in Summit. Danielle snapped this photo while I was gone so that I could be even more disturbed. She's about the sweetest things I've ever met. She finally seems to know who her mommy is and she prefers me and wants me more than other people. I'm eating it up for the week, since I'm sure that next week I'll be over it.
So this is totally unrelated to your post, but I got your message and reverse stalked you, which really meant just clicking on your name. Anyhoo, I can't believe you have two kids and a minivan. My email address is alisachristensen@hotmail.com, by the way.
So I wanted to tell you I saw Taylor at the University Pharmacy the other day...I don't know if you remember him. He was friends with Abe's brother Sam and had really long dark curly hair. Anyway, i didn't really talk to him but he had a wedding ring on and must be a pharmacist in training. It's so weird when you see people from your past.
Love Jane's costume!!!! Abbie's is not the cutest this year, so I'm jealous! Sorry Lizzy is so mobile, Scott is so lazy and I'm totally enjoying it!!!
Oh, we had costume issues, remind me to tell you about the dance mom drama later.
But Kriss, you're the rules. You can't just go around posting on other people's blogs without your own. Come on! I will break you. Then I could put a link to you on mine and people might think that I have friends.
My life is way too boring to have a blog and I would feel bad when nobody checked it! You can still count me as your friend though-your boring friend.
I think that the only people who look at my blog are...
1- my mom (love you mom!)
2- my sister
3- me
4- people that stumble across it accidentally and then realize they don't care.
And yet, I still try.
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