Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Come on get happy

Has anyone actually had a "nervous breakdown?" What exactly does a "nervous breakdown" actually entail? Does it entail delusional thinking, irrational tears, screams and perhaps a little hyperventilating?

If so, a couple of weeks ago, my kids may have thrown me into a "nervous breakdown."

It was in the middle of the now notorious October of 2009 wherein we were all sick for the entire month and it had just been too dang long since I had had a day without listening to whining, screaming, fussing, sniveling and misery all day and night. Chas was absolutely relentless. I took him to the quick care and then to my pediatrician because he was so miserable for so long. I was reminded of why I love my pediatrician when he told me that "Chas wasn't really all that sick, I had just forgotten to take something into consideration: Charlie is a boy and was therefore born a bigger whiner than both of my girls put together" (or something along those lines)

Did I mention that I love my pediatrician?

I was beginning to wonder what Charlie was like before all the snivelling began and then, through some miracle, he woke up on Sunday morning completely recovered. Since then, he's been making up for lost time, keeping himself busy by being the cutest, happiest baby I've ever seen.

It's a good thing too because he totally owes me.
I always love my kids, but this week I really feel love for my kids.
And it feels good.


Kathy said...

I am so happy for you! Right now my two older girls have the flu and it is horrible! Wish me luck!

Shae, Jay, and chillin' said...

Jeremiah came down with a fever on Saturday, after just having the "flu" ten days ago. I was so mad to know I would be stuck in the house again for at least 4 days. Oh well, tis the season. Jeremiah is a bit more needy when he is sick than my girls, though Katie does like a little pampering. Glad Chas is happy now.

Grammyzanne said...

Always nice to be reminded there is a rainbow at the end of the storm.

Glad life is looking up now.

Brooke and Dustin Jackson said...

i want to cry a little bit.
your past month sounds absolutely bone chilling.

hopefully this new charlie is the other shoe dropping... in the right direction of course :)

so glad things are looking up at the stringham household..

excited for the big lunch rendezvous on monday :)