Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Taking Care of Business

This post is inform each and every one of you that I will hauling a plethora of felt hair clips up to So. Weber on Thursday for a boutique. Yes, it's true. For those that live in that general direction and have complained that I don't sell up there, your day has come.



This looks like a fun show, which is why I'm trucking it up there sell stuff. I like that it's not an all day/all weekend kinda show (it's not even open on Saturday) because I've found that you can do as much business in a few good hours at a good show as you can in a whole weekend. What this means to me is that these girls are smart. And I like them already. And I like their show.


Tell one! Tell all! Shout it from the tops of the mountains!

That is all.


Emily Call said...

maybe I will have to take a trek up there to check it out. good luck!

hawsfam said...

You should try to sell your stuff on mamabargains.com or babysteals/kidsteals.com I bet you would sell a lot that way.