Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The must see action film of the summer...

Charlie Stationary


I was talking a lot this weekend with my family about Charlie's surprising lack of mobility. For those of you that doubt his inability to even roll over at the ripe old age of 8 months, I am providing you with the following documentation.

Nope, no mobility at all. Just lots of screams. I'd be more concerned if I didn't spend most of my days chasing his two older sisters all over the neighborhood. It's kinda nice to have one that stays where I leave him.

And Brent and I were amused by this little video as well. If you know my baby at all, you'll know that he's a total monster when it comes to going to sleep. Just a few days ago, he was booted from his beloved swing and is now sleeping in his crib. He's been demanding to be swaddled and swinging all these months and finally we decided he was just too dang big. Anyway, considering how finicky he is about the conditions under which he'll sleep, I was amazed to see this:

I'm not sure if it is the astonishment in seeing him sleeping in the jumper or the customary 10:00 exhaustion that has set in, but right now, I have no words.


Lynda/Mom said...

Oh, Charles! Some day he'll show them all he really does have it in him. These little personalities come pretty much full blown when they are born, and it's so interesting to watch them unfold. The sleeping in the jumper is a surprise for me, though.

Shae, Jay, and chillin' said...

I agree with your mom, eventually he will decide moving is better than screaming...but enjoy his immobility until then.

LF said...

He's absolutely adorable sleeping.