Wednesday, June 17, 2009

If at first, you don't suceed

What does one do when they realize their children are going out of their way to willfully deceive them? I remember trying to trick my parents when I was small. I thought I was so stinking clever and I couldn't ever figure out how on earth they could possibly tell when I was lying. I knew that I was a total pro at it, so they must have been psychic. I suppose it's about time I got my just desserts.

Today, Jane wants to go see the movie Up. So do I. She's a wee bit cranky, or a lot bit, as the case may be, and I told her that everyone needed to get a nap if we were going to go. She asked if she could have quiet play time instead.

"Nope." I told her,
"You have to go to sleep if you want to go to a movie later."

I should have guessed right away that she had something up her sleeves, she was way to compliant.

"Mom, I'm just going to go to the bathroom before I go to bed."
"Mom, I'm just going to put on some comfy pants because I don't like sleeping in jeans."
"Mom, I'm just going to grab my special blankie because it helps me sleep."

And she would have gotten away with her diabolical scheme if she hadn't said this:

"Mom, don't go over to that side of the bed." referring to the side I couldn't see from the door.
"Why, Jane? What's over there?"
"Nothing, just my stinky shoes." They really are VERY stinky.
"Why did you put your stinky shoes over there, Jane?"
"Just because, don't go over there."

And when I did, I found it. I found it all. Not only were the stinky shoes there, so were three Barbies, several books and other toys that she had stashed when I was getting her younger siblings in their beds. It appeared as though she never had the intention of sleeping at all.

Of course I took them out of the room and of course, this caused the wailing and screaming that has become customary when she doesn't get her way.

I finally managed to calm her down and told her that I didn't like to be tricked by her. I took the time to tell her about respect and honesty and I was having one of those moments as a parent. You know the moment. The moment when you feel as though you are taking the time to lovingly teach a valuable lesson to your child and the best part is, they are listening, understanding and learning from your experiences. It felt great. Before I left, I requested...

"Jane, you still owe me an apology for trying to trick me"
"I'm (sniff sniff) sorry." Jane managed to squeeze out between her sobs as put her arms around my neck and gave me one of those tear-y kisses on my cheek.
"Thank you, darling. Are you going to try to trick me ever again?"

She let go, looked at me with her big, wet blue-green eyes and said


At least she got the part about honesty.


Leslie said...

Well, um, her honesty is worth something, I guess.

Austin's Mommy said...

Oh, that's so cute.

Barbara said...

I can't believe how sophisticated she is!!! I guess you'd better help her know you'll be watching for that "maybe" :)

Katie said...

I love a story with a twist at the end.

Sandy Brunson said...


hawsfam said...

It makes me feel better that my daughter isn't the only daughter who absolutely throws a fit when they don't get their way...sigh.

Jenny R said...

I love it! :) I have those parenting moments too - my head fills like a big balloon at all the thoughts of the hallmark moments I am creating - then she always manages to pop that balloon in the next two seconds!

Jana Sohm said...

Oh, she makes me laugh!