Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Women are that they might have joy

And I think that almost every woman I know gets a bit giddy over a sight like this:

Just because my house is rarely (never) a shining example of cleanliness and order (and smells like bacon and tuna fish right now. ya... don't come over), that doesn't mean that I don't find joy in the idea.

I think that I'll spend the rest of my afternoon in my cold storage, staring at the one spot in my whole house that is organized. It's my happy place. I'll just have to ignore what's sitting there behind me...

If cleanliness is next to godliness, I don't think I want to know where my storage room falls.

Hey! I've been looking for those blocks!


Kathy said...

I love it! What a great start! You can do it.

Danielle said...

I wish I lived in a house where I could have something like that. Heavens knows I'd put it to good use! How is it that these things bring us joy anyway? I just went to the Don Aslett Center today and it made my day to buy new cleaning supplies. It almost makes me feel a little weird.

Emily Call said...

I love you and your honesty! I am very jealous of your food storage!

Lynda/Mom said...

Hey! Is that a picture of it put together properly? Good for you! I wish I had a good cold storage place anywhere, and I do envy you that.

Grammyzanne said...

Absolutely love these two pictures. Your food storage shelf is like the "Sunday Sister" we all see and admire. The storage room is all we can see of ourselves. Sorry my mind has been focused on similies and metaphors - comparing chocolate candy to visiting teaching for our visiting teaching conference tonight.

Kriss said...

Looks A LOT better than our food storage! I have this weird idea that whatever is in the basement can be a total mess and I'm fine with it. Such a difference from my normal Type A personality! You need to teach me some lessons!

Allison and Nathan said...

You have storage. Lucky.

Nikkie said...

I bet you probably even have water in your big blue barrel!