Sunday, October 31, 2010

I have created cuteness!

It's boutique season again and I've been spending a lot of quality time up at my desk working on hair clips. I'm actually kinda excited about what I've been working on this time around and so I made Jane go outside and hold still long enough for me to take a couple of photos.

She kinda fell in love with this one. It might find itself a permanent home with us.

What do you think? Too much?

By the way... Jane got a haircut this morning before church.
Brent didn't notice. He's not what we would refer as "observant."

This one is for Christmas. Would you put this on your child or yourself this holiday season and then walk around like that?

I totally ripped this one off of someone I saw on etsy. Don't tell them. I'm not planning to sell it on etsy and they aren't going to be selling at Oh Sweet Sadie, so it's ok... right?


Thank you for agreeing with me.

I've got more. Lots more. Many, many, many more. Chances are good that they will find they way onto my blog, so I will advise you all prepare yourselves for that.


Lynda/Mom said...

Yes, cute. Just keep creating! Waiting for costumed children, also expected to be cute. And what about the canine--is he part of the Dorothy costume?

MaryAnn said...

Yeah, I think they are cute and I might need some. I'll be checking your blog...

Shae, Jay, and chillin' said...

I usually don't like the big flowers, but made of felt them seem less chinzy. I like them, I may too need to buy some new hair stuff from you!

Kathy said...

Great job! I love them.

Emily Call said...


Katie said...

You are Van Gogh, and felt is your medium. Love them!!!

Nikkie said...

Very cute!

ginger said...

LOVE them! Need some for my girls for Christmas, is that possible?