Friday, June 13, 2008

I'd like to bear by testimony of...

Very quickly this morning, I'd like to bear my testimony of the Don Aslett Cleaning Center
There is a store in South Jordan at about 10600 S. and Redwood Road. One day, when we were in the shopping center, my mom wanted to go over there and so Leslie and I humored her and went. My life has not been the same since. We spent WAY longer than we thought we would (partly because they have a playroom for the kids) and I walked away having spent $80 on cleaning supplies. I tell you, that was some of the best $80 I ever spent. You have to understand that I HATE cleaning and avoid it at all costs, but these cleaners work so well and so quickly, that I almost enjoy it at this point. I am giddy over cleaning supplies. They taught us how to clean a bathroom in 3 minutes with the right cleaners, and I totally can. I have one that can get any sticky, grimy anything off of anything and the best window cleaner I've ever used. Leslie and I bought their start up kit as well as the floor scrubbers, window cleaner and polishing cloths. Everything is concentrated and you buy a reusable spray bottle for each cleaner, so you don't have to chuck all the old bottles. I'm hooked. I want more. I don't think I'll ever buy cleaners from the grocery store again. You can order the stuff online, or just go over to the store, if you are somewhere close. I promise, you won't regret it.


Anonymous said...

That sounds perfect for someone like me with OCD!

Lynda/Mom said...

Nice plug, Laura. You would make a wonderful sales person! I think we need to go some time when Mr. Aslett himself is there--he is wonderfully entertaining and lets you know you can keep your house sparkling and your sanity intact. Check my blog for latest update.

Danielle said...

This must be the floor cleaner that you said would take care of my sticky bathroom floor. There is a place that my mom goes that sounds similar to your cleaning center. I went once and about died. I wanted everything inside. I love cleaning (especially bathrooms) and I cant think of anything I would love more than to have all of the cleaning supplies in the world. I know, its weird isnt it?

Laura Stringham said...

Oh Mom, the man himself will be doing a seminar there on like the 26th or the 28th or something. I have a flyer for it that I got when I bought my awesome doormat and broom and vacuum (that's still in the box).

Leslie said...

You are a Don Aslett junkie. Oh, and Danielle, I had no idea you had an affinity for bathroom cleaning. Feel free to drop by our house anytime you need to get a fix.

Cameron said...

Yes, Leslie also shared her testimony of Don Asslett once. I thought it was an answer to prayer about my wife's dislike of cleaning that runs in the B-fam, but alas the bliss was short lived. The $80 she spent on cleaning supplies has spent most of it's time in the closet...untouched(sigh). Well Don, ya' tried, I gotta give you that, but you're no match for the Barron's!

Brooke and Dustin Jackson said...

i'm pretty sure i still would hate to clean... i've seen mr.aslett's adds and i'm still not convinced... but maybe?

danielle, sere, jump on over to my house anytime. my bathrooms would put you over the moon happy...

anytime girl, anytime.