Thursday, November 13, 2008

Just a Thought

Is it just me, or does it seems as though once a child is aware enough that they hide when they mess their diaper (I'm trying to be gentle with my language here) they should be able to use a freaking toilet?

I sure would like to stop buying diapers for this one. Unfortunately, that day is still probably several months away. Until then, enjoy your time under the desk or behind the couch or wherever you think we don't know what you're doing.


Lynda/Mom said...

Jane informed me today that Lizzy should accompany her to the bathroom so she could learn how to use the toilet. I assured her it was a little premature, but even she senses things need to change. However, they're ready when they're motivated, and they know they have the locus of control on that issue.

Leslie said...

Unfortunately, Ben's interest in the toilet extends only so far as it can be a play place. I think we're a long way off from potty training here.

Allman Roca said...

I love Lizzy's face in that picture. She is so smart. Maybe you could put a litter box or a stack of newspapers under the desk for her:O She figure it out in her own due time.