Friday, September 19, 2008


For those who are curious, I still have no baby. I've reached the point of "annoyed pregnant woman that doesn't want to talk about when her due date is" and for this reason, I've been avoiding social interactions in general. If this baby isn't here before church on Sunday, I might have to sneak out the back before anyone has time to talk to me. He'll come no later than Monday though, thank goodness for that.


Sheri said...

I know what you mean. It is like when I got tired of being asked, "Is your divorce final yet?" That is why I told people when you see me with fake nails you will know my divorce is final. Stubby nails? Don't ask! Maybe you can do something like that...hmmm...let's take a vote on what your clever sign could be while we are all waiting for Charlie to make his appearance.

Grammyzanne said...

Never had the courage to use it but one of the best comebacks I've heard went something like, "I've had my baby, I'm just carrying this one for a friend."

aaron and allee said...

Aren't you dumbfounded by some of the things people dream up to say to you when you are pregnant?!

jared and mary 2 said...

Yeah for pitocin!