Friday, February 29, 2008

Preschool Jeopardy

Jane has been so funny the last couple days, I HAD to share.


Jane: Why does Lizzy have 2 ears?
Me: Well, she couldn't hear without them, could she?
Jane: If you had no ears and no eyes and no nose and no mouth and just hair, and no body and no bones and no skin, you would be dead.
(Leslie's comment) - no, you would be a wig.


I had my boutique yesterday and took Jane and Lizzy to their cousins house to play until Brent got home. Jane kept asking me over and over the same questions..

Jane: Why am I going to my cousin's house? -
Me: Because mommy has to go to her sale.
Jane: Why do you have to go to your sale? -
Me: To earn money.
Jane: Why do you have to earn money?
Me: So we can go to Disneyland.

Finally, I got sick of answering the same questions over and over, so I started asking her... "I don't know, where am I going?" and told her I wasn't going to answer her questions anymore. She then said:

Jane: I know mommy, You are going to a boutique.
Me: That's right, Jane.
Jane: and what's the question to the answer Disneyland?
Me: What?
Jane: Mommy, I'm not going to tell you, what's the question to the answer Disneyland?
Me: Why am I earning money?
Jane: That's right! Good job mommy.

Do they have preschool Jeopardy?
Later that night, I called to check in and Brent gave her the phone. She said "How are sales going Mommy?" I guess she REALLY wants to go to Disneyland.


Emily Call said...

So funny! I love conversations with little kids. I hope you did well on sales so that Jane can go to Disneyland :)