Monday, July 21, 2008


Jane: Mom, I need to fill this up with water because I'm going to put some sand and fishy crackers in it and I'm going to make a swimming pool for bugs. Do you know what that is?

Me: Ya, Jane. I think that's commonly referred to as a cesspool.

Jane: Oh ya. That's what I meant. I'm going to make a cesspool.


Lynda/Mom said...

OK, that was pretty funny, and the picture is classic.

Leslie said...

Awesome. Have fun cleaning up the cesspool.

Allman Roca said...

Nothin' like a cesspool in the backyard!

Jana Sohm said...

Oh my gosh, she makes me laugh so hard!! I love picking her brain just to see what she comes up with. I need to start writing down all the funny conversations she and Abby have each day.