Monday, July 14, 2008

Jane's Growing Vocabulary

When people meet Jane (and she'll start to talk to them after about 10 minutes of very suspicious looks) one of the first things they seem to notice is her vocabulary. I'm not sure why words are so important to her, but she LOVES words, especially the big ones. It's very important that she pronounces and uses them correctly and she'll ask you if she's using the words the right way ("properly" she says). She's taken her word obsession so far that she makes them up all the time too. Most of them come and go by the day, but there's one that has stuck around for probably the better part of a year at this point....

crowd-y (kroud-ee)
1. thoroughly unappetizing, disgusting or repugnant
2. rotten or inedible
3. not well, ailing, ill

Some of the ways I've heard her use this word:

"I want a banana, but it's all crowdy."
"My tummy hurts, it feels all crowdy."
"I don't want that shoe because it's crowdy all over it."


Danielle said...

Okay, I dont think that I have ever laughed so hard reading someones blog. I dont know if it is because my brain is turning into mush here at work or what... Jane is hilarious.

Leslie said...

This is the funniest thing I've seen all day (granted I didn't make it out of the house).

Lynda/Mom said...

I absolutely dote on the kids that love language. It's a bit scarey, though, because children who speak properly and have big vocabularies are pretty much ostracised. Good luck, Jane.

Jana Sohm said...

I can just hear Jane using her big words. She makes me laugh ever time I talk to her!

Kriss said...

I hate it when things are crowdy.

Andrea said...

I am so glad that you told me that you left a message on our blog then I found your darling blog. Super fun to get caught up with you this morning!

Sheri said...

Justin had his own vocabulary too. Autograph books were "sign-o-graph books". And shorts were short-sleeved pants. You gotta love kids...they make life fun!