Thursday, July 24, 2008

Freak Out!

In some ways, Lizzy is a lot like her daddy. I mean, she looks just like him and in a lot of ways, she acts like him. The funniest thing is that she goes around closing the outside doors, just like Brent. He gets really mad when Jane and I leave the doors open when the a/c is on. In some ways, she's just like him, but not in every way. It seems as though the little girl that we thought was so easy going and peaceful has, in fact, been so unfortunate as to inherit her mommy's temper.

This morning she was just ornery and wouldn't stop whining, so I tried to give her some ibuprofin, thinking that maybe her teeth were hurting her or something. Well she wanted the medicine, but not from me. She wants to do everything herself and there was no way I was going to give her a syringe full of sticky meds. She got mad and here are the results in 2 parts...

She's a corner baby. She runs to the corners in the house to have melt downs all the time. This is one of her favorite corners. After she came out of the corner, she threw herself down on the rug and...

I can't emphasize enough that this isn't a unusual thing in our house. She does this several times a day, and she only 1! When she gets like this, she doesn't want to be touched or held. Even if she wants something, like a bottle, she'll just chuck it at you and then go pick it up later. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I generally do a great deal of both, it just depends on my mood that day. Hopefully you all will laugh. It really is funny to see such a small thing so angry at the world.


Sheri said...

I would cry to if I was being filmed having a meltdown! Isn't it funny how kids are so cute when they are like long as they aren't your own!

Lynda/Mom said...

She's not angry at the world--she's mad at her mama, or anyone else who gets in her way. AND, she's a drama queen since she obviously needs an audience to make it count. Good thing she's so cute!